Protester holding a sign reading RESIST

If the US were to cut Social Security benefits to qualified individuals, is the social contract of civil obedience broken?

An OPINION by John Adams – Photo credit Lara Jameson If the government were to cut off Social Security benefits to qualified recipients while still enforcing tax collection, the argument for tax resistance would take on additional ethical, political, and legal dimensions.  How could continuing to pay taxes be justified? Ethical & Political Argument for Tax Resistance 1. Breach […]

Be Sand in the Gears of Autocracy and Oligarchy!

You must never obey in advance. You must fight every step that an autocrat tries to take in every way you can. You must not only fight, you must loudly shout to the world what you see; remember, not everyone can see the injustices that happen every day. Make others see and hear the injustices.